Valentine's Lines (2024)



Friend Chocolate: Master… I’m happy with Friend Chocolate, but I was hoping for something more special… Is that bad…?

Dear Chocolate: Master! Is this chocolate special for me, your partner!? Nngh… thank you. Master, I’ll make you happy for the rest of my life…!*

*This comes across as nearly a marriage proposal.


Like Two

Friend Chocolate: Chocolate, huh… well, I guess that’s fine, for today. As thanks, I’ll do some latte art for you. What design do you want?

Dear Chocolate: You’re really… *sigh* And here I’d told myself I wasn’t going to get attached… I guess I gotta admit defeat now, huh?



Friend Chocolate: Apple pie with chocolate, from me. The chocolate ended up sticking out a bit, but… I think it still tastes good…!

Dear Chocolate: Getting such a wonderful gift from you… I’m overjoyed. I hope Master is happy too, but… hehe, it looks like I don’t need to worry about that.



Friend Chocolate: Oh, friend chocolate…? *sigh*… Hey, question. Why would receiving chocolate put me in a wretched mood?

Dear Chocolate: I’ve changed, you know. I can see the precious feelings you put into this chocolate, and how much you care about me— it’s all thanks to you.♥



Friend Chocolate: I believe such courtesy can normally be expressed through words… however, this way is certainly memorable. A sweet treat makes sense.

Dear Chocolate: In Japan, it seems people give chocolates to communicate their feelings. Go ahead, then, and confess yours. Of course, I’ll do the same.



Friend Chocolate: Oh, you made somethin’ pretty nice. It looks good enough, but… mh!? It tastes just right, too…

Dear Chocolate: Hah!? You made this for me…!? Hey, don’t go spoiling me any more than this… If you’d even want to…



Friend Chocolate: So this is friend chocolate… You mean, you’re saying we can be friends…? How nice… thank you…!

Dear Chocolate: It’s delicious…! If this’s got some kinda love potion in it, it… it’s not gonna work. ‘Cause I’m already in love with you… I’m joking. Heheh.



Friend Chocolate: Is this chocolate eaten by licking at it slowly? Or all in one bite? Arisaka would like to know what Master’s suggestion is.

Dear Chocolate: A cake made by Master…! It’d be a waste to eat it too quickly. How many bites should it take…? And if I go slowly…



Friend Chocolate: I see. So this is why Hachikyu has been so fidgety as of late? At any rate, what a lovely confectionary this is. I accept it gratefully.♪

Dear Chocolate: Oh my, what skill you have! It looks delicious.♪ You should get a taste as well, Master— say “aah”. Come on, open your mouth.



Friend Chocolate: Oh, um… thanks. (No chance to dodge…!)

Dear Chocolate: I-If I take this, it’s going to start something… right… *distressed yelling*…!? …okay! I’m ready… I’ll take it! Please!



Friend Chocolate: Hey, I ate the thing you gave me too fast. Huh? You’ve got more, don’cha!? Gimme those too!

Dear Chocolate: Hm, thanks. *munch munch* …huh!? This tastes good! Shit, wow! I wanna eat this every day now!!



Friend Chocolate: Friend chocolate… what is “friend” meant to describe here? You and I are certainly something different. Don’t think about it so much, and thank you normally? …hm, so that’s how it is.

Dear Chocolate: Giving a gift that you put such personal effort into… that’s proof that you treasure the recipient, isn’t it? Will something change if I accept it…?



Friend Chocolate: This sweetness… You chose something exactly to my liking. Thank you, it’s delicious.

Dear Chocolate: This is, for me…? ……ah, I have an idea. This melody is of a man shot by Cupid’s arrow of love.



Friend Chocolate: Thank you very much! The truth is, I’ve been writing a poem to show my thanks… I’ll be ready to unveil it by next year, I believe. Yes, indeed!

Dear Chocolate: “The shining beams of daybreak’s sun // The flowers blooming full // Let’s pick one for our love, you and I, // and from dawn to dusk, give thanks for this fleeting life.”



Friend Chocolate: …I don’t want that. I won’t accept anything from you unless it’s special.

Dear Chocolate: You know I don’t eat sweet things, don’t you? Tch… fine, then. You can eat it. And I’ll watch you finish every bite.



Friend Chocolate:Wow! This chocolate is so cute!☆ I can tell you put a lot of joy into making it. Thank you~♥

Dear Chocolate: Whoah… this is too good to eat. Oh, I know! Let’s take a picture of the two of us next to the chocolate! It can last forever that way!☆



Friend Chocolate: Oh, this friend chocolate’s super cute! Thanks! Ha, haha… huh, no, I’m not crying! Just tearin’ up a bit from joy!

Dear Chocolate: Th-This, this i-is… Master, from today on, I’ll be goin’ around actin’ like I’m your favorite, y’know. Is that okay?



Friend Chocolate: Oh… what a coincidence. I was just thinking I wanted somethin’ sweet to eat. Thank you kindly for the gift.

Dear Chocolate: That looks delicious… thank you. To show my gratitude… hm, a hug wouldn’t be enough. If something sounds good, could’ya tell me…?



Friend Chocolate: Wow, what a cute chocolate lollipop! Merci, Master.♥ And here, chocolate-covered dried fruits, from me.♪

Dear Chocolate: Wow, amazing! …mm! This is the tastiest dessert I’ve ever eaten! Will you make it next year too? And the year after that?



Friend Chocolate: F-Friend chocolate… I see I haven’t done enough to convey my feelings to you… Well, thank you. What a lovely gift…

Dear Chocolate: Master… I was hoping for this. Getting something so special from you…! Ahh, the whole world seems brighter now!



Friend Chocolate: Haha, what lovely chocolate. I’m usually the one thanking you anyway, but… thank you, really. I’m sure it’ll be delicious.

Dear Chocolate: I get Master-chan’s homemade chocolate all to myself? Haha… you sure this isn’t some kind of mistake? This much happiness might kill me, you know…



Friend Chocolate: Thank you. However… this sort of snack seems rather childish. Wouldn’t I look strange eating it…?

Dear Chocolate: What a wonderful gift…! I hardly know how to express my joy… perhaps a lap around the school with you on my shoulders!



Friend Chocolate: Oh, thanks for the lovely gift. Mhmm, a bit of chocolate right now sounds awfully sweet!

Dear Chocolate: Even with so many options… you’re really choosing me? Oh, dear… this is supposed to be romantic, but I’m starting to tear up.



Friend Chocolate: Oh, chocolate. Thank you. If Margarita were here, this would certainly be a merry day…

Dear Chocolate: Ah— thank goodness. I’d forbidden myself chocolate for the last month in hopes of a gift from you. What a blessing this is… I’ll enjoy it!



Friend Chocolate: My thanks, Test Subject #2. You didn’t forget to prepare some for Karl-sama as well, correct? Make sure his is the best of the bunch.

Dear Chocolate: I had predicted this occurence, and yet… now that it’s happening, why is my heart in such a frenzy!? Do you know the answer, Test Subject #2…!?



Friend Chocolate: You’re giving me friend chocolate? Thanks. Some chocolate from Charlotte came in too. I’m happy to get so much…!

Dear Chocolate: Huh… this is for me!? You’re kidding… I can’t believe it. Getting something like this, I’m amazed… *sob*…!

Misc. Characters


Dear Chocolate: I was disappointed to learn that even in Tolle Schaffe, there are those who participate in such civilian events as Valentine’s Day. Our sole task is to devote ourselves to Ashley-sama— hail the great World Emperor.



Dear Chocolate: Since that incident, I’ve often been given chocolates. Your boldness would serve the family well. If you’re ever planning to change occupations, you’d be welcome here. A lovely day to you, and best regards.



Dear Chocolate: Hey, thanks for the terrific gift. Benetta bet there’d be poison in it, but I trusted you and ate it anyway. And it turned out to be just delicious chocolate, after all! Until the day we can meet again in Italy, ciao!



Dear Chocolate: Now that I’ve tasted this thing called chocolate… I’m shocked. The usual, dull meals seem like rubbish in comparison. I want to eat more, but I can’t rely on you for that, person whose name I don’t know. I’ll go get some on my own. I won’t lose!

*Baker is an NPC gun/British Antique from the main story.